Ph.D, Associate Researcher, IEEE Senior Member, ACM Member
[Google Scholar] [Infonet-Lab] [Lu-Lab] [QN-Lab] [Github] [Wechat-Official-Account]
| News | CV | Professional Activities | Publications | Projects | Funding | Patents | Teaching |
- [Paper] 2024.2, our paper "CAAF: An NDN-Based Cache-Aware Adaptive Forwarding Strategy for Reliable Content Delivery in VANETs" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing!
- [Paper] 2024.2, our paper "IPSeQ: A Security-Enhanced IPSec Protocol Integrated with Quantum Key Distribution" is accepted by IEEE Communications Magazine!
- [Paper] 2024.1, our paper "Integration of Quantum Key Distribution Networks and Classical Networks: An Evolution Perspective" is accepted by IEEE Network!
- [Paper] 2024.1, our paper "An On-demand Routing Scheme with QoS Provisioning for QKD Networks" is accepted by IEEE International Conference on Quantum Communications, Networking, and Computing (QCNC) 2025!
- [Paper] 2024.1, our paper "A Handover-aware Congestion Control Algorithm Assisted by DRL in LEO Satellite Networks" is accepted by IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2025!
- [Activity] 2024.1, I serve as TPC member in Globecom 2025 SAC-QCIT!
- [Paper] 2024.1, our paper "Decentralized Key Management and Service in Quantum Key Distribution Networks: An Experimental Implementation" is accepted by IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications!
- [Paper] 2024.12, our paper "NetRT: Enhancing RDMA with Retransmission Offloading in Data Center Networks" is accepted by IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM) 2025!
- [Activity] 2024.1, I serve as TPC Co-Chair in IEEE IWCMC 2025 QNC! Welcome to submit your valuable work! Link
- [Paper] 2024.12, our paper "Fair-EAS: Entanglement Allocation and Selection for Process-Oriented Fairness in Quantum Communication Networks" is accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Communications!
- [Paper] 2024.11, our paper "DRM-ETP: A Dynamic Rate Matching-Based Entanglement Transport Protocol in Quantum Networks" is accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking!
- [Paper] 2024.10, our paper "NarrowGap: Reducing Bottlenecks for End-to-end Entanglement Distribution in Quantum Networks" is accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking!
- [Paper] 2024.9, our paper "PLMS: A Packet Loss Memory-Based Transmission Enhancement Scheme for GEO Satellite Networks" is accepted by International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP 2024)!
- [Contest] 2024.8, our team receive Second Class Prize in the Seventennth National College Student Information Security Contest (2024-第十七届全国大学生信息安全竞赛 -—作品赛)![News]
- [Paper] 2024.8, our paper "Purification Scheduling Control for Throughput Maximization in Quantum Networks" is accepted by Communications Physics!
- [Paper] 2024.8, our paper "Adaptive Multi-source Multi-path Congestion Control for Named Data Networking" is accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking!
- [Paper] 2024.7, our paper "Pushing the Performance Limits of Datacenter Networks with Fine-grained Priority Assignment" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering!
- [Teaching] 2024.5, my first master student, Jin Tang, has successfully defended his dissertation and get Master's degree!
- [Contest] 2024.5, our team receive Winning Prize in the Sixth USTC Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (2024-第六届“中国科大庆峰杯”创新创业大赛)![News][Link]
- [Paper] 2024.5, our paper "A Secure and Efficient Blockchain Sharding Scheme via Hybrid Consensus and Dynamic Management" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security!
- [Paper] 2024.5, our paper "Efficient Routing Design Based on Entanglement Flow Loss Effect in Quantum Networks" is accepted by International Conference on Quantum Communications, Networking, and Computing (QCNC)!
- [Paper] 2024.5, our paper "ProactMP: A Proactive Multipath Transport Protocol for Low-Latency Datacenters" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management!
- [Paper] 2024.4, our paper "Q-CSKDF: A Continuous and Security Key Derivation Function for Quantum Key Distribution" is accepted by IEEE Network!
- [Paper] 2024.3, our paper "Opportunistic Content-aware Routing in Satellite-Terrestrial Integrated Networks" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing!
- [Paper] 2024.2, our paper "Cooperative Caching in Satellite-Terrestrial Integrated Networks: A Region Features aware Approach" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology!
- [Paper] 2023.12, our paper "REDP: Reliable Entanglement Distribution Protocol Design for Large-scale Quantum Networks" is accepted by IEEE Journal on Seclected Areas in Communications!
- [Paper] 2023.12, our paper "A Distributed Routing Protocol Based on Key Reservation in Quantum Key Distribution Networks" is accepted by IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)!
- [Paper] 2023.12, our paper "Security-Enhanced WireGuard Protocol Design using Quantum Key Distribution" is accepted by IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC 2024)!
- [Paper] 2023.11, our paper "Volume-Hiding Range Searchable Symmetric Encryption for Large-Scale Datasets" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing!
- [Paper] 2023.9, our paper "FMPTCP: Achieving High Bandwidth Utilization and Low Latency in Data Center Networks" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Communications!
- [Paper] 2023.9, our paper "A Connectionless Entanglement Distribution Protocol Design in Quantum Networks" is accepted by IEEE Network!
- [Activity] 2023.8, I receive the elevation to the grade of IEEE Senior Member!
- [Paper] 2023.7, our paper "Enabling In-Network Caching in Traditional IP Networks: Selective Router Upgrades and Cooperative Cache Strategies" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering!
- [Paper] 2023.7, our paper "An Efficient Scheduling Scheme of Swapping and Purification Operations for End-to-End Entanglement Distribution in Quantum Networks" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering!
- [Paper] 2023.7, our paper "Efficient Remote Entanglement Distribution in Quantum Networks: A Segment-based Method" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management!
- [Paper] 2023.7, our paper "Entanglement-Assisted Quantum Networks: Mechanics, Enabling Technologies, Challenges, and Research Directions" is accepted by IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials! [arXiv][News]
- [Paper] 2023.6, our paper "Swapping-based Entanglement Routing Design for Congestion Mitigation in Quantum Networks" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Networking!
- [Paper] 2023.4, our paper "PLR: An In-Network Proactive Loss Recovery Scheme for Named Data Networking" is accepted by IEEE ICCCN 2023!
- [Paper] 2023.4, our paper "L2BM: Switch Buffer Management for Hybrid Traffic in Data Center Networks" is accepted by IEEE ICDCS 2023!
- [Paper] 2023.3, our paper "Make Rental Reliable: Blockchain-based Network Slice Management Framework with SLA Guarantee Series Mobile Communications and Networks" is accepted by IEEE Communications Magazine!
- [Paper] 2023.2, our paper "A Segment-based Multipath Distribution Method in Partially-Trusted Relay Quantum Networks" is accepted by IEEE Communications Magazine!
- [Paper] 2023.2, our paper "A Segment-based Multipath Distribution Method in Partially-Trusted Relay Quantum Networks" is accepted by IEEE Communications Magazine!
- [Paper] 2023.2, our paper "An Online Learning Assisted Packet Scheduler for MPTCP in Mobile Networks" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Networking!
- [Paper] 2023.2, our paper "EdAR: An Experience-driven Multipath Scheduler for Seamless Handoff in Mobile Networks" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications!
- [Paper] 2023.1, our paper "TCCC: A Throughput Consistency Congestion Control Algorithm for MPTCP in Mixed Transmission of Long and Short Flows" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management!
- [Paper/Project] 2023.1, our paper "SimQN: a Network-layer Simulator for the Quantum Network Investigation" is accepted by IEEE Network! [SimQN Project]
- [Award] 2022.9, our published paper "Building a Large-Scale and Wide-Area Quantum Internet Based on an OSI-alike Model" receives the Seventh China Association for Science and Technology Outstanding Scientific and Technological Paper Award! [Link]
- [Paper] 2022.9, our paper "Achieving Flexible and Lightweight Multipath Congestion Control through Online Learning" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management!
- [Paper] 2022.9, our paper "A Stream-Aware MPQUIC Scheduler for HTTP Traffic in Mobile Networks" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications!
- [Paper] 2022.9, our paper "A Heuristic Remote Entanglement Distribution Algorithm on Memory-Limited Quantum Paths" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Communications!
- [Paper] 2022.8, our paper "Fidelity-Guaranteed Entanglement Routing in Quantum Networks" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Communications! [Open-source Code]
- [Paper] 2022.8, our papers "Content-Aware Routing based on Cached Content Prediction in Satellite Networks", "Privacy-preserving Truth Discovery with Outlier Detection in Mobile Crowdsensing Systems", "Forward Private Multi-Client Searchable Encryption with Efficient Access Control in Cloud Storage" are accepted by Globecom 2022!
- [Paper] 2022.7, our paper "An Asynchronous Entanglement Distribution Protocol for Quantum Networks" is accepted by IEEE Network!
- [Paper] 2022.5, our paper "A Connection-Oriented Entanglement Distribution Design in Quantum Networks" is accepted by IEEE Network!
- [Paper] 2022.1, our paper "A Cluster-based Networking Approach for Large-scale and Wide-area Quantum Key Agreement" is accepted by Quantum Information Processing!
- [Paper] 2022.1, our paper "Connection-oriented and Connectionless Remote Entanglement Distribution Strategies in Quantum Networks" is accepted by IEEE Network!
- [Paper] 2022.1, our paper " A Distributed Authentication Scheme Based on Smart Contract for Roaming Service in Mobile Vehicular Networks" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology!
- [Paper] 2021.12, our paper "A Blockchain Based User Subscription Data Management and Access Control Scheme in Mobile Communication Networks" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology!
- [Paper] 2021.11, our paper "CSEVP: A Collaborative, Secure, Efficient Content Validation Protection Framework for Information Centric Networking" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management!
- [Paper] 2021.11, I receive the general funding supported by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation!
- [Award] 2021.9,I receive "Mozi Outstanding Youth Award" of USTC!
- [Paper] 2021.9,our paper "Secure Transmission by Leveraging Multiple Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces in MISO Systems" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing!
- [Paper] 2021.8, our paper "Service Prioritization in Information Centric Networking with Heterogenous Content Providers" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management!
- [Paper] 2021.8, our papers " Low Priority Congestion Control for Multipath TCP", "Privacy-Preserving Truth Discovery for Sparse Data in Mobile Crowdsensing Systems", " A Fog-Aided Privacy-Preserving Truth Discovery Framework over Crowdsensed Data Streams" are accepted by IEEE Globecom 2021!
- [Paper] 2021.7, our paper "Build a Large-scale and Wide-area Quantum Internet Based on an OSI-alike Model" is accepted by China Communications!
- [Activity] 2021.6, I serve as the session chair (session 14) in IWQoS 2021!
- [Paper] 2021.5, our paper "Leveraging Coupled BBR and Adaptive Packet Scheduling to Boost MPTCP" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications!
- [Paper] 2021.5, our paper "A Low-Latency MPTCP Scheduler for Live Video Streaming in Mobile Networks" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications!
- [Experience] 2020.12, I become a PostDoctoral Researcher in University of Science and Technology of China.
- [Experience] 2020.11, I successfully defense of my doctoral dissertation and get my Ph.D!